Reveal Podcast

Beth Matthews Reveals the Secrets to Building a Top-Performing Real Estate Team that aligns with your purpose and passion

July 12, 2024 Jessica Nieto/Beth Matthews Season 1 Episode 34

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In this enlightening episode of The Reveal Podcast, host Jessica Nieto welcomes Beth Matthews, a seasoned real estate professional and influential coach from Buffalo, New York. Beth shares insights into her current ventures, including a highly relevant buyer mastery program developed in collaboration with Spring Benson. This program is crafted to equip real estate agents with essential skills and updated practices in light of recent industry shifts, particularly the N.A.R. settlement changes.

3 Things You Will Learn in this Episode:

  1. Buyer Mastery Program: Beth discusses the inception and objectives of the buyer mastery program she co-created, aimed at enhancing agent capabilities in handling buyer representation agreements and improving client engagement through effective communication and objection handling.
  2. Evolution from Brokerage Owner to Cloud Brokerage Partner: Beth narrates her journey from leading a small independent brokerage to embracing the cloud brokerage model. This transition was driven by her desire for greater support and autonomy in her business operations, reflecting her proactive approach to adapt and thrive in the evolving real estate landscape.
  3. Personal Growth and Strategic Business Moves: Beth opens up about her personal growth and strategic decisions that reshaped her business. She stresses the importance of aligning business practices with personal values and vision, and how mentorship and coaching have played pivotal roles in her professional development.

Beth’s story is not just about adapting to industry changes but also about personal resilience and strategic foresight. Her proactive approach in developing the buyer mastery program and her transition to a cloud-based brokerage model highlight her commitment to not only advancing her career but also contributing significantly to the industry.

Connect with Beth Matthews on instagram: to delve deeper into her innovative strategies and to gain access to her buyer mastery program through the link in her Instagram bio.

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  📍 I knew what I would need to do, which is, the consistency piece of building a business

one day I looked around and I was like, I had lost complete control of what my vision was for this organization 

and   something happened right around my mid thirties where I was like, I can literally do whatever I want to do. 

 When I was doing a lot of that self reflection, one of the things that I kept saying I really missed was By, working with people to buy and sell homes

 it's easier to take guidance from somebody that you can look at and say, I would live that life. 

Find a mentor, find a coach, find somebody that helps motivate and inspire you because the journey can be challenging, but it doesn't need to be as challenging as we make it.

 it's really valuable to invest in yourself.  

Welcome friends. And thank you for joining us for another inspiring episode of the reveal podcast. I'm Jessica Nieto. And this conversation is going to be packed with actionable insights for you to implement as an entrepreneur. On the path to success. So joining us today is the remarkable friend of mine, Beth Matthews, an absolute trailblazer, phenomenal leader, and a profoundly impactful human being.

Beth has carved a path of success through her innovative spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence in real estate and beyond. And Beth's journey is not just about personal success.  It's a testament to her commitment to elevating the real estate industry and empowering other professionals to achieve their goals.

And as we explore Beth's story, we'll uncover the power of self reflection,  the strength and resilience that is required to make big changes  to achieve your dream. And as a key influencer in the real estate industry, Beth is a true leader and inspiration. Let's jump into the conversation.   Beth Matthews, welcome to The Reveal Podcast.

I'm so excited to have this conversation with you. Welcome to the studio. Thank you, Jessica. I'm excited too.  Yeah, absolutely. So tell the audience, what are you up to currently? What's going on in your now business and where are you located? Yeah, so I'm located in Buffalo, New York, so home of the Buffalo Bills, big Bills fans up in this neck of the woods. 

It's July, which is peak busy season for us because we do believe it or not, experience some seasonality when we're getting eight feet of snow in the winter. It's not always conducive to house hunting. So we are riding the wave right now.  Yeah, and it's hot everywhere. I think there's maybe one pocket somewhere you can find that there's a breeze, but otherwise it's melting down and it has been an interesting July market.

I think everybody wants to know where are we heading? What's going on? And yet still so many opportunities for consumers and for real estate agents. And I noticed last week Facebook that you were promoting a buyer course, but tell us a little bit about that because I think it's so timely and I absolutely love to share what people are doing to really lead and pioneer in this industry and help everyone else in the industry find their way.

So tell us a little bit about what you're up to with that. Yeah, so I partnered with Spring Benson on this and we created a buyer mastery program largely to fill a need around the N. A. R. settlement and the upcoming changes. When we were communicating, we put our heads together and said,  we have the unique position that Yeah.

We've always used buyer rep agreements in Utah where spring is. And it hasn't always been mandatory in New York. It's been highly encouraged. And when I started in the business, the person that trained me out of the gate said, this is what you do. This is why you do it. And this is how you present it.

And of course you modify a few things over the years, but to hear the number of agents that really didn't have experience with the agreement, how to present it we decided to put together a little mastery course. It's four sessions and it's everything from how to present the agreement, you get to hear me do the presentation and answering some questions, objection handling, et cetera. 

Awesome. I love that. And I'm sure you're getting lots of great feedback. What's great about being a mentor coach or a trainer is that you often learn new things from people that are learning it for the first time. What's been your experience? You have a really extensive background as a team leader, I think a brokerage owner.

Give us the big picture of how you've grown through your experiences of being a small independent brokerage owner. To now partnering with cloud brokerage and moving your business to that platform. Yeah. It's been a journey. It's been fun.  So I think so many of us in this space, you fall into things by accident.

I knew I wanted to be in the real estate space. I had dabbled in my early twenties and didn't really have the discipline or the skillset. You build a book of business. So completed my degree, went into pharmaceutical sales for a number of years, and then just felt this calling back to real estate.

And obviously when you've struggled at your first attempt and you develop a skillset, I knew what I would need to do, which is, the consistency piece of building a business and prospecting and all the things that.  We look for the magic pill or the silver bullet and the right work. So once I started doing that, I quickly understood how to leverage time.

And I started to bring in support in terms of admin support, transaction support, and over time agents, because I was doing a lot of training and I started to realize that through the training, there were also some people that I could bring into my world and we could win together. So that evolved and became a team, was a team lead for a number of years.

 The brokerage that I was with was acquired by a much larger brokerage back in  2016, 2017 timeline. And it just didn't feel like a good fit for me. I gave it a year to see what everything was going to look and feel like.

And that really was the motivation to go independent. At that point in time, there wasn't a brokerage in my market that I felt a lot of alignment with. So I said Just I'll create my own. And that grew at our peak, we were just over 40 agents and, rated in the top 10 brokerages in our market.

And one day I looked around and I was like, I had lost complete control of what my vision was for this organization and looking around the space and realizing that it's far from what I had hoped it would be. So I had to make difficult decisions. Obviously that comes with people , some people leaving, restructuring some things.

And through that process, I came across the cloud based brokerage model and said,  this is really appealing because,  It does help to have the support of a larger organization who's still giving you the autonomy to run your business the way that you want to run your business. I absolutely love that.

And you and I are actually at different cloud based brokerages. I'm at eXp.  You're at Real. I'm at Real. Yep. Which I think is amazing because I know there's a lot of competition out in the marketplace between our brokerages because they are, it's newer still to many but it's working and I think it's fantastic that the more that we can collaborate together as well to share that this model really is truly better for the agent.

Especially independent brokerages. I know when we moved our independent brokerage over to a cloud brokerage platform, the things that we got to let go of. and the space that was created for the things that we're good at, like generating revenue, scaling, growing was phenomenal. So take me to the moment where you had that epiphany that you, you were, what you had in front of you was not Any longer really aligned with your original vision.

That's scary for entrepreneurs, right? Because like you said, like you have to make hard choices, make big changes.  Can you walk somebody through being  in your shoes and that moment that you were in and just how you took action and got momentum into creating that change to get back in alignment?

Absolutely. I never really experienced the Sunday scaries. I always looked forward to the day. I loved going to work. And there was a period of time where for months, I was feeling really anxious on Sunday evening and I didn't quite put my finger on it. And I'm a big believer and, breath work and mindfulness practices.

And so I was spending a lot of time journaling and getting back to the vision of  why did I even start a team? Because the independent brokerage really stemmed from a means to an end. And it essentially, we extracted the team and from the brokerage and continued operating as we had. And that goal had always been to be a really cohesive group, to operate at a really high level.

I always had a, no divas, no delinquents and no drama policy. That was I just remember realizing that the person that I had as a business partner at the time that we weren't really in alignment anymore. There was a lot of agreement face to face. And then I found out.

As my coach calls it triangulation where then I'd leave the room and there'd be side conversations like I don't know that I really agree with that. And it's tough as it's somebody that is a person I have a lot of love for, but as business partners, we were no longer aligned. And I just got to a point where I was like, I can't stay on this path because it's taking an emotional toll. It's taking a physical toll. I was gaining weight, stressed out. My kids are like, mom, you're so unhappy lately. What's going on? That I had to do some real soul searching. And I had a friend say, you really need to put pen to paper and.

Put your vision back down and then look at that and read that and say, is this what I have today? And if not, how do you,  so I always say it started with, very clear intentions, driving the bus, bringing some people on the bus. And then all of a sudden there was this huge influx of people onto the bus without really paying attention to why being intentional about who we brought on.

And the next thing you know, I'm like, I don't even know if I'm on the bus. I think I'm being dragged behind the bus. So I step back up to the wheel, which meant unfortunately kicking some people off the bus. Yeah, I love how it started with. So the behavior, the really the self reflection, the internal discovery of how you were feeling, paying attention to that, but then also looking into your environment to the people that love and trust you to get their feedback and to walk with you through that.

I think that's so important to really, To invest in the time in yourself, but also to look to the people that you know, and trust or that know you well to give you feedback. So that's really great advice. The outside can be invaluable. Cause they see things in you that you're maybe not even willing to recognize or admit yet.

Oh, walk me through. What did you said you did pharmaceutical sales. Often I'm sure you've heard this a lot, being a team leader, a broker, a donor. is that people come into the real estate business and they have got so much, so many skills from pharmaceutical sales to real estate is a little bit more linear.

It doesn't feel completely different, right? Because sales are tied to both. But a lot of times I hear really talented people that come from big corporate, different, all different backgrounds. And they say, I have to reinvent myself as a real estate agent, where I believe you should really just look at what are your strengths.

How can you strengthen them? How can you build a business around that superpower that you have and that skill set? What's your take on that? I agree with you wholeheartedly. And I think Sales in general, there's so many different skill sets that go into it. And there's so many different types of sales and personalities in the field, whether it's real estate or otherwise, that everybody can take something.

At the end of the day, with very few exceptions, almost any industry involves interacting with people. So whatever part that you can take as your superpower and translate that into this industry. I think a lot of people don't have to reinvent themselves, so to speak. They just have to.

really do the self reflection to figure out what is the piece that translates. And then you work on developing the skill sets that you need to support that. And integrating yourself into that strategy. So you're at real now and you're still running a team.

What does your team look like now  where's the focus?  It's interesting cause there's been a little bit of a shift recently from the standpoint that I brought my fiance into the business  and it's never something that I thought I would do. Love him dearly, but was on the hard no list before. 

Absolutely not. I would never work with somebody that I'm that like I'm living with. And I brought Ethan to an event. It was a real estate related event, but I knew there was going to be so much more to it that I thought he'd get a lot out of it. And he did. And he said, I've always admired what you're building.

I've always wanted to be like more in your world in terms of the culture and the values that you have. And then my coach happened to be at that event. He comes up to me, he goes, What's Ethan's disc assessment? What's his profile? Believe it or not, I did not administer a disc assessment when we started dating. 

Believe it or not. Meaning it's something you would have typically done. Yeah. It's not too far fetched, but it was not something that was a criteria. And and I said, okay. And he did. And he came to me later on and he said, do you think you could work with Ethan? And I said, okay, that, that makes me a little anxious.

Why are you asking? And he said if you follow anything like traction or the EOS programs, where there's the visionary, the integrator, et cetera, because his profile indicates he's a strong integrator. He has sales experience. He has sales management experience, not in real estate, but in other industries, and obviously he has a vested interest in you personally and the success of the organization that I think if you guys can find a way to work together, this could be a really great collaboration.

Wow. We spent the long plane ride home dissecting that and marinating on it and setting some boundaries. To answer your question, Ethan is he's now learning the world of real estate. He's going through one of my trainings with some of our agents, which is fun. And I'm in production which, for a while I felt like that was taboo.

If you get to a certain level and you're supposed to move out of production. But when I was doing a lot of that self reflection, one of the things that I kept saying I really missed was By, working with people to buy and sell homes. I love it. I love the interaction with the clients. I love the art of negotiation, the market, like I love all of it.

So I was like, why am I operating from this place of expectation rather than just being true to what I want to be doing? So today I sell homes. I've started to move into the commercial space a bit, cause I wanted a new challenge and I developed my agents.  I love that. And what's great is for my team anyway, my, the agents, they learn through osmosis by seeing even just how you work.

One of my team agents told me today, she goes, I really appreciate what you said the other day. And I learned, that I really reflected on not saying what was it? No worries,  because I had said in a training about communication, how the things that you say matter when if a client says to you, Oh, I'm not able to, meet you at that time.

And you say, no worries to me. It infers that they've done something wrong. Don't worry about it. Okay, what  would be a better time? Yes. And those skills that you develop over time, and you're right, we all end up taking on characteristics of people that we spend a lot of time with. So to be.

Field based with my agents, I take phone calls and if it's a client Hey, do you mind if I put you on speakerphone? I have an agent here and I think they can exactly listening to this conversation and they're great about it and learn so much and so much faster. So I love that. And they see your work ethic, right?

So okay. We work here.   Things that I'm asking you to do. And I always share with them. I said, I did step out of production for a while when I was wearing a lot more hats. And so I'm not starting. That's certainly from square one, but I also didn't have this huge pipeline because as the team lead, I had started to delegate and distribute a lot of my past clients to other agents.

So I said, I'm doing the exact same things I did to launch my business. to relaunch my business and the same things work. There might be cool new tools or a few little tips and techniques, but ultimately it's fundamentally the same things. Fundamentally the same things. Yes. And you seem to be one that really believes and practices self reflection often.

And You're obviously tracking what you're doing. You're assessing like what's working, what's not working. What should we continue to use? Should we find something better? So really fostering that collaborative environment when you're shoulder to shoulder with them.

So of that. And I think in this business, one thing that's really important, especially for newer agents, whether they're young or old or whatever it is, or trying to reinvent or restart their career. Is to be learning from practitioners. I think it's very crucial right now. And if you're going to pull from power with a coach or mentor, it needs to be someone that's helping you more with maybe your vision.

There's different types of coaches that we need for different things, right? Like I have several mentors and coaches. We all need them. What would your advice be for agents or entrepreneurs of any kind on. Making good decisions on the people that they take advice from or pay for coaching or mentorship from  I think it's to make sure that it's somebody that you really want to emulate. 

So  it's easier to take guidance from somebody that you can look at and say, I would live that life. I would do the things that they do. Because there's so many people out there that coach, mentor, support in some capacity. And it's not good or bad if they're not in alignment with you. But you will get more out of it.

If you find somebody that you're in alignment with and you're like, okay, that resonates with me. I am also in the coaching space and I had  a discovery call or just, a get to know you with a woman who reached out to me because she had heard me speak on a webinar. And she said, I've had several coaches in the past and it doesn't work for me.

And I said, why do you think that is? And she goes, cause I've never really felt connected to them. Like the way they did things the way they lived their life. She's none of it really was in alignment with me. She's I have children and I got into this going through a divorce. And so there was a lot of parallels in our stories that I was relatable to her.

So just in that, if she'd have more success working with somebody that she relates with. A  hundred percent. And it's so simple the way that you articulated it, right? And it just, make sure that what they're doing is something that you'd want to, cause that's how, that's where they are. That's how they only know how they got from here to there. It's not a lifetime commitment and I know that sounds terrible, but I truly believe that if you're working with the right people, you will outgrow them and that's okay. That means they've done their job. So thank them, and then figure out where you go next and who you need to support that journey. 

When I onboard agents, I always tell them the goal is that you can build anything as big as you want or as small as you want. It's whatever you want, but I wanna make sure that they know how to generate revenue.  And that they're not just here to be an order taker and to just, do what's assigned and not create something where they could walk away and build their own team if they wanted to.

Everyone's going to grow at some point. If we're not growing, we're dying, right? They say.  So tell me a little bit about what's on the horizon for you, what are the big, crazy, maybe a crazy goal or a project or something that you want to reveal to the audience that maybe they want to reach out to you about or  what's on the big list for you.

So I, through all of the self reflection of the last year specifically I kept coming back to a common theme. And it's one of my affirmations is that I'm here to improve lives and elevate the industry. And I initially had this vision of that's what I do for the agents on my team, right? That's why I'm here.

And I had a very good friend challenged me a bit at an event that I was at. And he said if that's truly your goal,  Is the improvement of lives and the elevation of the industry strictly in your backyard? Or do you want to take it beyond, your area code? And I said, I guess I haven't really thought about it.

And he goes, you should, because the reality is the world has gotten so much smaller as technology is so readily available. Content through podcasts or zooms that he said, rather than pigeonhole, why don't you cast a wider net? And so now as I'm doing trainings with my agents, I'm starting to record them and make them evergreen and offer them, it started with some of my real estate besties, as I say, where we're sharing ideas.

It's Hey, I recorded this training, share it with your agents. And now I'm realizing that  It doesn't matter what market you're in. It doesn't matter what geography you're in. Everybody faces the same challenges. And so to take the knowledge that I have and offer it more broadly is something that I'm really excited to do. 

That is fantastic. And it's a big world, especially in the cloud brokerage. That really changed for me. I was always like the hard worker digging in the trenches, like head down, super serious in my business. And Coming on to a platform where you're connected to so many people and not even just inside our own brokerage, but collaborating at industry events, you really become more connected truly to where we as leaders of leaders can pull from power and continue our personal and professional growth. And just get into rooms with people more often that are doing things at a high level. I always explain it to agents that don't understand. They're like I like to go to the office. I'm like, okay how many times a month do you go to the office?

I like to go at least once a month. They have a class on Canva. I'm like, do you even know if that person knows, How to instruct others well on Canva. Like what, like Bob at the water cooler is training on Canva on Friday. Do you want to do that? Or do you want to, get online and see, the Canva, go to the Canva creator conference virtually, there's so many resources available. You just have to, do a quick search and they pretty much fall in your lap, but no, you're right. And it's, I think it's funny. The camaraderie piece, I think, even as we've evolved through, obviously, things like the pandemic, I think we've learned how to connect through technology better because it's become such a normal thing now that you and I, when we very first started Spoke, about being on the podcast.

I was quickly like, okay now we're friends and we hear each other, it was a very instant connection with you. And what I'm finding is as the industry evolves, at least from my perspective there's a lot more collaboration and less competition.  Yeah, absolutely. And it just feels better, right?

It feels better that you can make fast friends and connect with people and be able to reach out and go, oh, I know. Beth would know how to fix this. I'm going to call her real quick and see if she has five minutes to help me solve my problem so I can break through this door and create something.

And then of course, when I'm done with it, I'm just going to share my copy and she can, it's just amazing. We can grow so much faster and evolve and do ultimately the fulfillment is like you said, changing lives and changing the industry in a positive way.  So I love that. So tell us a little bit more about you personally.

 Tell us a story when you first realized that you could be a salesperson or an entrepreneur. Oh my gosh. I think my dad would tell you that he knew from the time I was, a toddler that I was going to be somewhat entrepreneurial. I always had a great ability to articulate myself, which I think is really powerful to be able to communicate. 

And  I could debate as most toddlers could when I really wanted things,  the emotional maturity evolves over time. I don't know that there was ever a a definitive aha moment. I jokingly say maybe somewhere around 30, 35, because I was a very compliant child. I didn't miss curfew.

I got straight A's. I did all the things that were expected of me, which is why I have a tendency to sometimes default back to this place of expectation. And something happened right around my mid thirties where I was like, I can literally do whatever I want to do. What a great day that was.

Yeah. And it wasn't strictly career based, but again, I had this amazing career, something that most people coveted on paper. It was fantastic salary, bonuses, holidays, benefits, company car. And I didn't like it and to be able to be honest about that and say, I realized that going into real estate is a bit riskier but I'd rather take the risk on myself and continue down this path of just going through the motions. 

Oh, man.  Again another moment where you having that self reflection and realize that there was more.  I want to go back to what you said though about going back to a place of what did you say? Expectation.  That for me has been the biggest part of my ability to grow. I would say not to my growth, but my ability.

To grow is letting go of parts of our identity, right? For me, like there's been many, one of them being accessibility. I need to be accessible all the time. Otherwise, yeah, I could have died on that mountain. I think we got off. And ironically, the thing I hear more often from people is,  I, there must, sometimes I think there are three of you.

Like, how are you always available? And it's their perception because I make myself available for them.  Yeah.  And it's I think it's very natural when you're a high achieving person to, always operate from that. What does somebody else need from me? And. Great. There's a lot of attributes around that are really positive, but we often don't know when to set our boundaries until we're really in this place where we're like this has felt icky for a while.

And when you start to reframe things for yourself and I am absolutely guilty, same thing, Jessica, like the number of times people are like, how do you always respond so fast and how do you always have the answer? The challenge with that was I made myself the default setting.  So rather than do a little investigation on my own or put forth effort into finding an answer, everybody just came to back.

Like, why should I, this is least resistance. And I realized  emotionally draining me and it wasn't serving them because  I really smart people and their confidence builds as they continue to evolve their skillset and have these little wins with themselves. That when I learned to be a little bit less responsive and just.

redirect to where the answer is first. You just see there they become autonomous. Yeah. And empowered. Yeah. Yes.  Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. That's, it's my favorite thing is agents. They come to you and they're like, you won't believe it. What you said worked. And then they say, I had an agent, she says yesterday, and I couldn't have done it without you.

And I, I said to her, I said the point is that I want you to understand that you can do it without me. Yeah.  Yeah. When they feel autonomous Oh, I did that.  Yeah. I showed up at the listing appointment and yes, based on the advice and what I learned and how I sharpened my skillset, I was able to convert, but it was the energy that they brought into that appointment that actually is what converted it to a contract and the strategy works, but if you show up and you don't execute it effectively.

So when you empower them that way and if you, if they like the environment they're in, they'll stay no matter if they continue to grow.  So I love that. Let's talk a little bit about what's going on in terms of the real estate industry and where you think there's opportunity where's your team focused in terms of generating business right now?

Sure. So I got into the industry in New York, In 2009. Obviously we were coming off of a crash and a really difficult economic environment, which is why I was met with a lot of resistance to leave my very comfortable corporate job to pursue real estate. But my thought process was if I can make it work, When the market's not great, then I'll have longevity.

And that's what I'm looking for. And I don't perceive that we're in that same space. I think there's different nuances, but I do believe that the skill sets that I developed at that stage are the same things that are going to get us through this next kind of, interesting period. I don't like resilience.

Talk about. Yeah. So I'm doing a training starting at the end of July and I will record it and likely make it available evergreen to folks that want it in the future. With my agents that is I'm calling it already launched, which is really not sexy or super unique, but it's either you're launching your real estate career or you're relaunching.

And this is going to be heavily on developing the fundamental skill sets to focus on listings, which I think is sometimes a miss. When we bring somebody into the industry, we focus heavily on getting them launched with buyers because a lot of times is the first transaction they have, but when they're green and eager and ready to learn anything, like, why not position them?

To be able to have all the conversations to prospect. We do a lot of circle prospecting in my world.  Because the more you can communicate with sellers and the more you can understand about the homes and the properties, the conversation with the buyer is that much easier.

You are speaking my language. If when this goes on YouTube, this is podcasts,. I don't think we'd have an inventory problem if we trained agents differently,  seriously. I love to tell agents, when there's 30 offers on a house, I'm like, can you imagine if all 30 of you went to this neighborhood and look for a listing for your and quite truly right now, the sellers are not sellers because they have to be buyers first  and they don't understand the opportunities.

So if you're cultivating listings and you already know how to talk to a buyer and you already know how to get in there and show them that there's different opportunity, there's the loan products to solve their problem that they think they cannot solve. There's another. neighborhood that they haven't explored.

Or, once you get the appointment to have the conversation, you can create surprising solutions to them and be their partner in their, in create that path for them. I undeniably, you will be their agent to sell their house. Absolutely. And I'll share this exact scenario. So I was circle prospecting around an area that I had recently sold a listing with multiple offers, which was fantastic.

It's been pretty commonplace and so I'm doing a very basic script and I have one of the newer agents on my team listening in. We've got the Y adapter so we each have our headsets on. And it was the third dial I made and I asked this woman, over the quick rundown and said, have you considered selling?

And she said, I have actually, I have eight acres. My husband passed away a few years ago. It's too much for me. I'm at a stage of my life that I want to simplify. And she said, when do you want to come out and talk about it?  So made the appointment, went out had a great conversation with her, but she Very specific.

She's if I'm going to give up this home that I have been in for 48 years, I want something really specific. And it needs to be in this neighborhood, in this area, in this price point. And if that doesn't exist, then I want you to tell me. And I said, it does exist, but it's, if it goes to market, it's probably not going to exist at that price point.

And it's not an area that things come up often. So I took her criteria and then I circle prospected that entire neighborhood and  I found her something  looked at it. We looked at one other property that was on market for comparison, not in the neighborhood she wanted and she was thrilled.

She's I just feel like everything's coming together so perfectly that this was meant to be. So got her under contract on her new home. From a property, never went on market and then listed her house and all, because one day I showed the agents that this is how we do it. Oh, it's I love this story.

It's giving me goosebumps. I had a similar experience last week when we, I said, you know what new agent, she's going to focus on expires. I we sat together and did expires and. lady answered the phone. She, I don't speak Spanish, unfortunately, but I have agents on my team that do. And she spoke Spanish.

We literally carried through a conversation for a little while, barely speaking words to each other that we understood and set an appointment  because I told her I'd have someone there, Googled a little bit, got through, but it was also one of the first calls that we made. And she goes that that seems a little bit.

Is that normal? I said the thing is that I didn't just get started, right? It's not the first call. I've not the first prospecting and call I made this week. So the numbers are working in my favor a little bit, right? However, that call for many people, same for yours could have turned into a zero.

Sure. And I would have been it. It would have been a okay. Yep. Not an easy seller. Move on to something else. But having, being able to pull from your experience, being creative, doing something different, putting the work in that lady is going to be your raving fan for forever. And she said to me, she goes, I told my brother about you and he has an agent that he's used forever and he was trying like heck to get me to switch.

And I said, absolutely not. She cold called me and then she in my house and then she cold called for me. And I'm with her and I love it. I think people still value and respect effort and hard work. And so when you're  doing that on their behalf, they're like, I don't care who, like this person is really working as my advocate and that's more important than the long Jack and ancillary relationship.

And you took that overwhelming stuff like off her plate. She didn't have anyone to really fix it. So you create you transformed. Like her environment for her. Yeah, that's amazing. So I love your work. I'm super excited to have you back. I know that we're going to be collaborating, doing some other things together.

So I'd love for you to leave the audience with something that you'd like to reveal about your journey as an entrepreneur to help them collapse time and break through whatever they're facing. What advice would you want to leave with them? Find a mentor, find a coach, find somebody that helps motivate and inspire you because the journey can be challenging, but it doesn't need to be as challenging as we make it.

I was guilty of I'm smart. I can figure everything out myself.  And if I were to do it all over again, I would have started. Getting coaches and mentors much earlier in my career because I could have avoided a lot of  missteps, mistakes, and some of them get expensive. So it it's like you pay for time and experience.

And I think it's really valuable to invest in yourself.  Awesome. Listeners check Beth out. We've got her links in the copy below. Follow her on Instagram, I believe is the number one place to find you. And then where can they find the buyer mastery course or get in touch with you on that? Would that be Instagram as well?

So if you go to my Instagram bio, the link is right there. Awesome. Be well, Beth, look forward to connecting again and thanks for being on the show today. Appreciate you. 

  What an extraordinary journey we've shared today with Beth Matthews.  📍 Her narrative is a powerful reminder that with vision, commitment, and strategic action, you can forge a path to remarkable achievements. And Beth's commitment to improving lives and advancing the real estate industry is not only inspiring, but a call to action for all of us to strive for greater impact in our endeavors. 

And reflecting on today's discussion, it reminds me of a quote by Amy Poehler.  Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life. This quote encapsulates the spirit of collaboration and growth that Beth embodies. And if today's story of innovation and leadership has moved you, make sure to subscribe to The Reveal Podcast for more episodes that bring you closer to the movers and shakers of the industry.

Don't forget to leave us a review, share this episode with peers who aspire to redefine their own paths and stay connected. Keep exploring new possibilities. And until next time, continue to break through those barriers and transform lives. See you soon.


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