Reveal Podcast

The Growth Leader: Nadia Habib’s Strategic Insights to Scaling Globally in the Real Estate Industry

June 06, 2024 Jessica Nieto/ Nadia Habib Season 1 Episode 28
The Growth Leader: Nadia Habib’s Strategic Insights to Scaling Globally in the Real Estate Industry
Reveal Podcast
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Reveal Podcast
The Growth Leader: Nadia Habib’s Strategic Insights to Scaling Globally in the Real Estate Industry
Jun 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 28
Jessica Nieto/ Nadia Habib

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Uncover the secrets of strategic growth and leadership in this enlightening episode of The Reveal Podcast. Join host Jessica Nieto as she welcomes Nadia Habib, the dynamic Senior VP of Growth at eXp Realty in Canada. Nadia shares her expert insights on fostering expansion and navigating the challenges in any stage of your career in the real estate industry.

3 Things You Will Learn in this Episode:

  1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Nadia breaks down her daily practices that help maintain a focus on growth despite external pressures. Learn how commitment to continuous improvement and strategic planning can become your ladder to success in any field.
  2. Leveraging Leadership for Business Expansion: Discover how Nadia uses her leadership role to fuel growth. She discusses the importance of being proactive in the face of industry changes and how to leverage international insights for local advantage.
  3. Building Strong Networks Virtually: Hear how Nadia emphasizes the power of building relationships and networks, even within a virtual company setup. This segment explores the transformational role of mentorship and community support in personal and professional development.

Nadia’s journey from resisting a career in real estate to becoming a leader in the industry is a masterclass in career evolution, resilience, and strategic growth. Her story is an inspiring blueprint for real estate professionals and entrepreneurs aiming to scale new heights in their careers.

Connect with Nadia Habib here to dive deeper into her innovative strategies for real estate growth and leadership success.

Join host Jessica Nieto for more empowering episodes of The Reveal Podcast. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for a continuous stream of stories that inspire and transform:

Subscribe to The Reveal Podcast and enrich your life with stories of resilience, success, and the endless possibilities that come from truly believing in change. Stay inspired, Stay Connected

Show Notes Transcript

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Uncover the secrets of strategic growth and leadership in this enlightening episode of The Reveal Podcast. Join host Jessica Nieto as she welcomes Nadia Habib, the dynamic Senior VP of Growth at eXp Realty in Canada. Nadia shares her expert insights on fostering expansion and navigating the challenges in any stage of your career in the real estate industry.

3 Things You Will Learn in this Episode:

  1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Nadia breaks down her daily practices that help maintain a focus on growth despite external pressures. Learn how commitment to continuous improvement and strategic planning can become your ladder to success in any field.
  2. Leveraging Leadership for Business Expansion: Discover how Nadia uses her leadership role to fuel growth. She discusses the importance of being proactive in the face of industry changes and how to leverage international insights for local advantage.
  3. Building Strong Networks Virtually: Hear how Nadia emphasizes the power of building relationships and networks, even within a virtual company setup. This segment explores the transformational role of mentorship and community support in personal and professional development.

Nadia’s journey from resisting a career in real estate to becoming a leader in the industry is a masterclass in career evolution, resilience, and strategic growth. Her story is an inspiring blueprint for real estate professionals and entrepreneurs aiming to scale new heights in their careers.

Connect with Nadia Habib here to dive deeper into her innovative strategies for real estate growth and leadership success.

Join host Jessica Nieto for more empowering episodes of The Reveal Podcast. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for a continuous stream of stories that inspire and transform:

Subscribe to The Reveal Podcast and enrich your life with stories of resilience, success, and the endless possibilities that come from truly believing in change. Stay inspired, Stay Connected

  📍 you've got to do what's best for you and your mental health.

 I encourage people to get into real estate. It gave me the opportunity to be a mother for my Children and to have them with me, but also gave them an insight on business

  the smiles that you see on the agent's faces, the thank yous that you get for helping them. Just knowing. About them and their families and engaging with them. It's just so rewarding altogether.

 people are not necessarily always going to reach out to you But you should also build on the way that you engage with others 

  When the passion is gone, , the heart is not in it anymore. 

 if I can't meet those goals, then the circle that I'm surrounding myself with is the wrong circle. 

What's up, friends, and welcome to The Reveal Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Nieto, and today I am absolutely delighted. To welcome Nadia Habib. She is a powerhouse of growth and leadership in the world of real estate, a mother of three children, and a builder of alliances with absolutely no borders. As the Senior VP of Growth at eXp Realty in Canada, Nadia isn't just promoting expansion, she is pioneering transformations across the industry.

And I love Nadia's spirit, her spirit of growth and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Her approach to leadership and development is not just about scaling business height, but about fostering deeper connections and building resilient communities. From the moment that I met her, I was captivated by her insightful perspectives and her profound dedication to not only achieving personal success,  but also uplifting those around her.

So join us as we explore how Nadia navigates the ever evolving landscapes of real estate. and leadership making significant impacts that resonate across borders. Let's jump in. 

Nadia Habib, welcome to the reveal podcast studio. Thank you so much for joining me. Such a pleasure. Welcome. Thank you so much, Jessica. I'm really looking forward to it.  Yeah. I was looking forward to this conversation. So you and I have connected on a few channels, but all on our platform at eXp Realty.

And I love your title because it has one of our favorite words, growth in it. So you're the senior VP of growth in Canada. And tell us a little bit about how you are living and breathing growth, Nadia, and this amazing company. And especially at a time in an industry where there's a lot of, at least in the U S right.

A lot of headlines and scare tactics and things going on. Lots of detractors from the focus on growth. Tell us a little bit about how you stay in your growth mindset and how you operate on a daily to, to build growth at our company. We're very fortunate in Canada that we don't really have right now what you, what's impacting the US, especially within our settlement.

Not yet. There are two lawsuits as of now, but nothing has come out of it, and I don't believe it's going to impact us as much as it did impact us in the U. S. And only because the things that were missing in the U. S. We already have implemented in Canada a long time ago, so the implications are not going to be the same

mindset. I wake up every single day and for me, it's  I can't. You asked if I do production. I don't have time to do production. My main focus is helping our agents grow their organization, grow their business and production as well. And that's what I do on a day to day is take meetings nonstop.

With our agents to be able to help them always take their business to that next level, and it's all about relationship building, as a virtual company, I'm sure a lot of agents out there would say, how do you connect with different individuals? How do you connect with leadership? When I've worked at a brick and mortar company?

My entire career prior to moving to E. X. P. And I've never been more connected. Prime example is you and I right how we connected over just a meeting at E. X. P. And so for me, it's setting up meetings, being connected, supporting our agents and live events, always being present, hosting masterminds across the country and just making sure that they know that we're readily available for them.

That is amazing. And a couple of things to dig into a little bit more there. So you have some things that are implemented in Canada and in many states here in the U S and in  several businesses and single agents have been operating similarly to what's coming or what's going to be expected, right?

I wanted to just have you unpack a little bit about what does that look like in terms of, don't really have borders at EXP between Canada and the U. S. So I'm imagining that you are on calls with U. S. teams or agents often? Yes. Yeah. So how are you leveraging that power, right? Like the position of just the calming effect of this is how we've always been doing it. This is how we will move forward. How are you strategizing and using that in your conversations with teams and agents? And showing them that the leadership at eXp is the right place to be.

Yeah that's one of the things that EXP has provided me is that opportunity to have market knowledge of different markets outside, not only just within our province, outside of our province, learning all the different markets, across Canada, but also the states as well. And learning what's happening in the U. S. What's going on in the U. S. and how they operate in different states as well. So when I looked at the NAR, settlement or the NAR lawsuit that, happened, and I just compared it to what's also happening in Canada and the Things that they wanted removed from MLS is for example, or they wanted to implement regarding buyer contracts and buyer agreements.

I compare it to what we have in Canada. And the difference is we have one MLS all across Canada and the U S they have multiple. MLS is, in Canada, we are required to have a buyer representation agreement signed before we do an offer on any property and that's something that they're implementing and that they want the commission agreed upon before or the services agreed upon beforehand. We've always had that in our search. We could never search according to, cooperating brokerage commission, for example. That is not even a search parameter for us.

You imagine  not helpful to the consumer. Exactly. All of that is, those are the primary, different features in US and Canada. However,  One of the things at EXP is how leadership jumped all over it. So we're going down the pipeline. We had organized, putting together a buyer presentation by representation forms, putting together all the different kits, holding webinars, so that agents are educated, holding educational sessions for agents by our brokers to be able to be informed and know exactly what to do and how to handle the objections that are coming your way.

Yeah, it's really been amazing to watch exp just pioneer the way and not just solve problem, solve and create solutions for our platform, but for the entire industry. I think that's  fabulous. That's real leadership. I love that. I believe the video that Leo did had over 300, 000 views it was amazing video that he put out and that's just that is that I find with eXp leadership doesn't hide behind anything. We're always in the forefront, helping the agents and making their lives easier. And that's what they would depend on us for. Yeah, absolutely. Tell us a little bit about Nadia and how you got started in the real estate industry.

A little bit about, where you got started.  Oh, interesting because I fought it tooth, tooth and nail. I didn't want, did not want to get into it. Did you hear that from so many?  Yes, I do. And so I was a kindergarten teacher, before I got into real estate. My love for children got into that 23 years ago. My family, they got into development, building houses, land acquisition. And, my dad said it's, it makes more sense that you get into real estate because he loves  the family business aspect. So my brothers were builders. I was their real estate agent and that's how I started. I sold for them for a couple of years, but for me, I just always wanted more and more personal growth, more professional growth.

I didn't just want to sell real estate. So I applied to be a manager at the brokerage that I was at and then I became, a broker of record and it was just second nature to me. I loved educating, but I kept elevating my career and I was running the number one brokerage in the country, number two in the world for that brand.

And it was very hard for me to leave. That brokerage after being with them for 17 years, however, I felt like I hit a ceiling, like I didn't have the ability to grow more than what I had already grown. That was the major deciding factor for me to come to eXp is I wanted a brokerage that would always allow me to grow my skillset and never feel like I've hit a ceiling.

And that's why I ended up here. Oh, I love that. Tell me a little bit more about a day where you. actually felt the pain of not growing. Like what happened that you were at a breaking point of knowing that you needed a bigger space to grow in? Yeah. I remember, it's my day to day and sometimes it's just that one moment that snaps.

You're just like, I just can't do this anymore. I remember one day and it was just all piling up, it's, I want to do this, but they don't want to grow more, or I want to do this, But the broker is thinking about selling so that the heart is not in it anymore. And I just want to continue with the expansion and the growth and what we can do.

But again, I'm not in control of the brokerage, right? Somebody else's. Therefore I have to rely on their business decisions and I can't go outside of that.  I remember one day, I wasn't feeling the greatest, but that's never, ever stopped me from going to work. I've never taken sick days.

It's a very, I'd rather save it for when I'm not sick. Get through it. It's older. Yeah. I remember waking up and I wasn't feeling the greatest and I'm like, it'll pass. I got dressed. I'm going to work. I get to the door to leave my house and I'm like, no, I'm just going to stay home today. And then I started saying to myself, I would have never done this if the passion was there and the second you lose that passion.

You're like, I just, I'm okay to stay home. I'm just going to stay home until I get better. So my sick day turned to three. I went back to work and I'm like, this isn't for me anymore. When the passion is gone, you just, the heart is not in it anymore. And it was, like I said, it was a very difficult decision for me to leave that brokerage because they were.

I was close to all 365 agents and knew their families and knew their kids. But at the end of the day, you've got to do what's best for you and your mental health. That's powerful. Thank you. And so now fast forward, Nadia Habibullah, your title actually has the word growth in it. How fun is that? 

And it's I feel like when you're working in your passion and it's almost, it's an  Yes. And it doesn't feel like work anymore. Like they're paying me for this on top of my life.  Exactly. Like they're, you're getting paid to do what you love every single day and it doesn't get better than that.

Like it's just, the smiles that you see on the agent's faces, the thank yous that you get for helping them. Just knowing. About them and their families and engaging with them. It's just so rewarding altogether.  Yeah  the fulfillment from the impact that you are making is, I think it's not easy to find in life.

And what's interesting about those three days that you spoke about is that in those three days you were truly like, Investing in the time to reflect and understand what you needed to do for you.  And as we're all moving very fast and in many directions, often at one time that can get overlooked, what are some best practices or strategies that you could, provide to our audience and how they can implement reflection a little bit more often than waiting till sometimes we implode, right? 

I think sometimes, like sometimes that's what people wait for is a reason. Yeah. To leave or a reason or a big fight or a big argument, to leave a certain situation or a certain permission.  Exactly. They, yes, they want a reason to leave, something to justify their decision for leaving.

However, for me, like the minute that my day to day routine was interrupted due to my choosing, because, I just. Wasn't feeling the greatest. So I decided not to go into work. There's a reason because that's out of my norm. It's not the way I behave. So now it's sitting back and saying, why don't I want to go in?

It's because the passion isn't there anymore. What made me lose the passion? It's I'm not able to meet the goals that I have in place for myself. And if I can't meet those goals, then the circle that I'm surrounding myself with is the wrong circle. I have to move out of that and get into a circle that's going to empower me and take me to that next level.

And for me, that was huge. I don't, I didn't. And a lot of, agents had asked, did you leave because there was an argument or a fight or absolutely not. It's when I felt like I am not carrying through with my day to day routine of, I can't wait to get up and get in that office and, work all day and work late.

When that's gone, you make up every single excuse. So my advice would be, don't wait for that moment to come where you're leaving under bad circumstances. Always leave on good terms and always, when you feel like your routine is out of place, Step back and  go through. Why is it that it's an you know that you're off your routine.

It's like falling down. We all fall down at some time in our career. And I always say stay down for a little bit until you figure out why you felt then get up again. Yes. Oh, I love that framework. That's powerful. And how interesting the perception by so many, that commented on, or you were curious about why you left, that their perception was that it was something big, that we perceive that it's this blunt force that causes change.

But actually making this intentional decision to make change for good. I love that. And I think so many entrepreneurs, yeah, that's not what we see, right? It's out of the norm because society now functions as, when you're comfortable, you stay comfortable and you don't leave until you're either, evicted from that situation or something bad happens.

But when you're making change in a positive, on a positive note, You're always in a better place and you're always making better decisions than when you're making it and you're angry and you're upset. Those are the best decisions that I made when I had a clear mindset. I love that and I love that you're sharing that.

And I met you in a in a room where our company had created an amazing platform and space for us to have conversations about female alliances and women across the globe making impact in their communities, both in our real estate industry and in their actual geographic, communities that they live.

And there, there's just been some great conversations that we're having. What. What could you, what tips could you give to other women that are feeling like they're on an island on how they could connect better in this industry to build some really strong alliances? Yeah, that's a great question.

My, my advice is You're on an island for a reason people are not necessarily always going to reach out to you But you should also build on the way that you engage with others The more reach outs that you do the bigger the circle gets and the bigger your group gets So one of the things that and I'm not fault at that.

That's why I talk about it is because Again, you get comfortable in your environment. You're tired. You don't want to reach out to anyone. You just want to run business your own way. However, when you reach out, especially to the group of women on the call that we were all together and the group that is going to be formed with the Women Empowerment Network at EXP, is that When you reach out, you are not only listening to what they have to say, but you are able to share and in a safe zone with these women that want the best for you.

And I sometimes feel that unless you start initiating that conversation, it may not happen. So you end up being alone for a very long time. My advice is go out and join different groups. Socialize with these people, attend the meetings, be able to listen to them so they can listen to you. We always learn from each other, but in order to learn, you have to have an open mind and an open heart.

You cannot I, those that feel that maybe I am better and I know everything. We'll never learn. And that's why we always wanna surround ourselves by people that know more and are doing better so that we can, aim to achieve that success level and continue climbing. And, it's just comfortable to stay in the circle that you are, but one of the mistakes that we end up doing is not recognizing that we may outgrow the circle that we have.

And that's where boredom and you being stale comes in, is when you outgrow that circle and it's not helping you move up in your career, you've got to make that change. nothing that they've done. It's just, you've outgrown them and you have to make that change in that decision to move on.  And that's a tough place that many entrepreneurs experience is that you, as you change parts of your identity, many people are going like in your circle are going to question you  and the lots of people aren't going to want to see you grow as much as you think that they would or hope that they would.

So I love that idea, especially if in a place where you're very focused on where you want to grow and you don't have anyone around you that has similar ambitions or interests, that can even feel lonely, even in community with others.  Yeah. Nadia, tell me what's on the travel schedule, for you in the next, six months, anywhere interesting that you're going.

Oh, my travel schedule is usually back to back. Actually next week we have a big event in Winnipeg. So I'm going to go out there, speaking at one of the events. Then I have Calgary after that. Then we have Ontario after that. And then, back to BC again. So the travel schedule is quite hectic over the summer.

And then, we have our, Canadian, regional rallies coming up in November, I believe. Yeah, so that's gonna be really exciting. We just started them last year. We had two last year that were a big success. So this year we're gonna expand it to four and continue expanding them across the province. Canadian market is just such a great market right now. And, agent movement retention is fantastic agent movement. Really good right now as well. And, just seeing the growth across Canada, we're almost at 7, 000 agents. It's,  yeah, thank you. Congratulations. Yeah. That's amazing. And how, so tell me, you, you just had recently the EXP con Canada.

What were some surprising things about the collaboration at the events that you could share? So last year was our first, exp Con Canada, and we had about 550, agents attending that event This year we had it in Toronto and we had about 750 ish attending that event. So we can see it growing. Year over year, but it's just getting, getting all of those agents in one location, the learning, the breakout sessions, the main stage, getting that close with leadership as well and being heard, setting up the meetings.

Like it was just such an intimate event. We have, the U S one that's coming up in Miami. However, I attend that one as well, but it is on a such a big scale that you really don't get that intimate time with your agents. So I really appreciated Canada having one of its own because in the U. S. I don't get to see them that much.

In Canada, they're all at one location. It's locking up your kids in one room and you get to see them all the time. No, absolutely. I know it was appealing to go to Lisbon even for that reason, I thought, Oh, when I joined eXp, we were 33. 33, 000 agents. And I remember the first build event I went to was under, it was under 600 agents.

And that was amazing to be able to interact with leadership more. And also, just get to know a lot of people. So the regional rallies, I think definitely solved that problem. It was incredible to see. I traveled actually to Charlotte, North Carolina. And Leo Pereja was there, Elizabeth Riley, like so many great people, but to have our CEO, I got to see him speak on stage for the first time , that he spoke on stage as CEO, and then flew, to Phoenix, Arizona and Glenn Sanford was there and Holly and Sean Murphy.

It was amazing, but we're talking  less than 300 people at an event with Glenn Sanford. It's just incredible the way the leadership shows up. But what tips would you give for agents that are really wanting to plug in? So we were talking about how to build community, how to make some connections and the benefit of that.

What type of tips would you give for agents looking to grow their network in terms of showing up at the event, And making new connections and then the follow through, right? That's the important part. That's exactly it. It's the follow through. The importance of the events, the people that you meet and you get to talk to face is absolutely amazing.

Plus the bonus on that is that you get the leadership, the executive team that's there, and you get to talk to them. They don't shy away from anyone. If you wanted to set up an appointment and sit one on one, they're more than happy to do that. However, when you're networking at these events and you get to meet all these people.

Kinds of agents that are there, there are some that you see on stage that you learn from, there are some that you just need that you're sitting at the same table with, but it's a follow through afterwards. And we have the most valuable tool, which is workplace chat that you can connect with them right there.

And then you're able to text them and email them and call them, like, all our information is there. And, like I've said before. And other brokerages, they tell you, you have the ability to network with our 100, 000, 200, 000 agents all across globally, but they don't give you the tool to do however, with EXP, we have workplace chat that we can network with 90, 000 agents. Agents globally. And that is such a powerful tool because with our company, when it comes to collaboration, it's second to none. We are all shareholder company, right? So for us, it's, we all want to see the company do so that we can all benefit.

So  there's no competition. Like you have agents that are giving their playbooks out to everybody for them. That's incredible. I just assume that everyone does that now because I'm so used to it. It's not the case everywhere. Not everywhere no. I'm guilty of trying to call an agent at eXp on their cell phone.

They don't answer. So then I just call them on workplace and they answer. It's amazing. Oh, okay. It's like you, you've gone through the security, filter. It's an eXp agent. I want to see what, what they're calling me about. Yeah. Whereas, cell phones, everything.  And it feels good.

And I think it would be hard to understand what it feels like Until you experience it, until you experience it. Yeah. Like it's, we give all the tools for the agents to be able to not only network. But also to, grow their organization, keep in touch with everyone and, be able to communicate with the agents and build that community.

It's so much. Especially like our workplace chat or workplace. We have all these different groups that they can belong to. Then we have rooms division. We have luxury division. We have there's so many different groups, family tree. You've got honey badgers. There's so many that they can belong to.

And I think it's important because that's a community on its own. They hold their own events and their own training, and there's just an abundance of it.  Yeah, and going back to having the clarity on what it is that you want and spending that time reflecting and putting everything through a filter.

Coming into eXp can feel like a fire hose if you let it,  right? But if you just allow it to fill your cup or swimming pool, maybe you need a swimming pool. But if you allow it to fill your cup, And you're super focused on what you're actually going to implement and add into your business. What is something that is going to solve, the re a lot of the reasons why you're making the move, then it actually can feel very empowering.

What are some of the you talk to a lot of different agents. all over the different provinces of Canada and in many different countries and in the all states of the US. So would you reveal maybe one or two common objections  to realtors currently now with where they're stuck and where they're unable to grow?

Maybe not an objection, but I guess like a pain point. Of where they feel stuck,  where they feel stuck right now. One of, one of the things that hit a lot of agents hard is, the agents that came into the industry when it was a great market. For some of us, I came in, and the market was recession.

So I came in learning the skillset of base. I started from zero and had to build that skill set of how to chase the business. And then you have agents that come in and a great market where business just falls in their lap because of how busy it is. And they're not used to what to do in order to cultivate or, keep in touch with clients, how to ask for business, how to ask for referrals because they haven't built that skill set.

And this is why training is. so important is that, you think, everything because the market's been great. But what do you do when the market is not so great? How do you get those appointments? How do you get the prospects in order for you to do your business every single day? So that seems to be the struggle because now they're relying on what's happening with the mortgage industry.

They're happening with, inventory of what's happening there. So they don't know how to handle that objection. That's one of the, one of the main ones that I hear and only because they're just not used to the market environment conditions that they were used to, they just have to build a different skillet.

I agree. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. And teams. That's a pain point for teams as well. You have a bunch of agents that can take orders and then all of a sudden there's no orders to be taken. There's no inventory.  One of the things I've been doing recently with, I do quite a few listings. And so when I have a listing that generates maybe 28 offers, for example, we had one this week.

Yeah. And it's a lower price point, needs a little bit of work that generated 28 offers from cash investors to buy and hold to, additional buyers. And so what I'll do is I'll actually in my email when I update them, I didn't, if I can't call 20 people at one time, so I emailed them first and I'll let them know, Hey, I appreciate something that they can show their buyer.

Hey, I appreciate your professionalism and all of your diligent work on behalf of your client. Thank you so much. And I wish you the best of luck. Please feel free to follow up anytime, like this whole spiel. And then I say, wouldn't it be fascinating if we, if all 28 of the buyers that submitted an offer on this property, we're also focusing on generating listings for all these buyers that we have.

And we have a a weekly mastermind on Monday, it's brand agnostic. And if you'd like to come and learn a little bit more about the strategies we're using to cultivate business in our market, you're welcome to come. There's no charge. And they're like, yes. Yeah. But we have to understand how to generate revenue, not take orders in this industry.

That's how we can best serve. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. It's so important. Perception. The next one is the perception. Yes.  Love this one. A lot in my podcast and it's social media paints us as glamor industry. You are glamorous. Yes, we are. And it is also a fact. Wear nice clothes. They don't do anything.

There's just, meetings and coffees and dinners, but, so that's why a lot of people choose real estate to get into real estate because of that reason. Because it looks, we make it look so easy and then when they get into real estate and they find out how difficult it is, you've got to work every single day and you are your own boss.

Which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. That's what filters out a lot of the agents. So again, those two are my two biggest ones that I see. Yeah. So we all, that's amazing about sales skills and communication is we actually have the ability to get better at it.

You do, but you have to accept that there's room for growth.  That's just that you have. And also when you learn, you have to go implement what you just learned. You can't just keep reading books. You can't keep attending training. You have to put implementation in there, right? My advice to them is that follow the training that's provided to you, get out, you've got to do the leg work.

It's every single day. You have to schedule two hours of prospecting every single day. I don't care how bare minimum. Bare minimum every single day and a lot of agents. What do you mean? Why do I have to do that?  So it's just, the harsh reality of this is a grind.

You have to treat it like a business. You have to get up every day. You have to function like you're going to work every single day, but because we don't have a boss. It's hard for them to get. Not a lot of people are self motivated. They need that motivation level or motivator to get them out of bed in the morning to go do what they need to do.

I love, John Czeplak, I love his emails, because he writes his own copy. Yes. Everything he sends, he writes, so I love it. I know. But imagine if John, just one day, decided to stop doing what he does that got him to where he is, and he just stopped writing his copy. It wouldn't be that interesting. I wouldn't read it.

And he said that, in one of his recent, posts was about, don't stop doing the things that got you here. Exactly. So make sure when you start, if you're working backwards from that, make sure when you start that you're doing something that you wouldn't mind doing every day  that you enjoy.

Yeah, absolutely agree with you there. I love that. So what other advice, Nadia I haven't gotten to know  well in terms of like your personal do you have kids, family, where are you located? Tell everybody a little bit about that. Yeah. So I'm located in, just outside of London, Ontario. I moved to London about 20 years ago.

I was. Born and raised in Windsor, which is about an hour and a half away. I feel, and then that's a border city and that's, we used to cross over to Detroit every single weekend and so forth. I love Detroit. Yeah. It's now it's just that now it's just amazing. Yeah. Yeah. I do a mother of three adult kids.

My oldest is currently living in New York right now. He's a financial analyst. My daughter is an ICU and trauma nurse. She lives in Toronto, 23 years old. And my youngest is 20. He just finished his second year at software engineering. My kids grew up in real estate. They went with me on showings.

They were there when I presented offers. And it was, this is why I encourage people to get into real estate. It gave me the opportunity to be a mother. For my Children and to have them with me, but also gave them an insight on business. And, I didn't have the kids that acted up in front of adults.

I didn't. They were always engaged in conversation, and they always knew what was happening. Finance the same thing like they were always aware of their finances, which I'm very grateful that this Business gave me that opportunity to be able to spend time with them. Love them to pieces.

Really sad that they don't live at home anymore. They sound like amazing kids. They really are. And Jessica, that's, this is, everybody says to me, why do you work so hard? They are why I work so hard. I've always wanted to set a good example for them. I had, life goals of mine were.

I wanted my kids to be educated if they wanted to, but I also wanted them to walk out of school debt free. I wanted them to be able to, not have that weighing on them that when I get out of school, I have such a big debt to pay. And that's why I just continue to work hard every single day in order to provide them a good life and also set an example.

The example is that what's really important to me is I wanted them to know that nothing is handed to you. You have to work for everything that you have and it feels better when you work for what you have.  It does.  Whew. You're amazing. I'm so grateful we had this conversation today and I'd love to reveal.

If you could reveal something that's on your bucket list to accomplish this year, that way, anyway, anyone that's listening could maybe reach out or just send you some good vibes, even what's on your wishlist this year to accomplish. My the biggest thing that I want.  Yeah, I  company work wise. I want to accomplish getting to 7500 agents net this year in Canada.

And to increase production. We're now averaging. 6. 1 transactions. We averaged that in 2023 per agent. So on par with the U. S. So I would like to increase that more. Personal on my bucket list this year, I'm really hoping to take another trip to Europe with my daughter and another one with my three kids.

So we do a lot of traveling together and when we can have that opportunity to just jump all over it. Ah, love that. So my niece, I don't have any children, but I have one niece. Her name is River June. Yeah, she's an amazing kid. And we're super close. And she just moved to Governor. So she's not far from you. 

Governor in New York. Wow. Okay. Yeah. That's not far at all. I guess they call it across the pond, but it's, it's literally yeah, all the more reason to come visit me now, Jessica. Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. And so if people want to find you, they can connect with you on Instagram awesome. And we're going to put the handle down below so people can reach out to you. Nadia, what would be one thing that you'd like to leave the audience with and something that they could implement today that could be transformational in their entrepreneurial journey in this industry? Right down where you want to go.

Make sure it's a clear vision in front of you and never let anything stand in your way. If you feel that there are obstacles, reach out to people, to others, myself, Jessica, anyone that is able to guide you, help you. Sometimes it's just talking it out with someone and it could be something very minor that you can overcome, but it's talking it out with someone, but my biggest thing is that any goal that you want to achieve has to be in front of you so that you can see it every single day and be reminded of it.

Ah the best advice ever Thank you for being part of the growth of everyone in our audience And I look forward to connecting you with you more nadia. Thank you so much. I so appreciate you Thank you for having me on today.

  📍 As we wrap up this episode of The Reveal Podcast, let's reflect on a quote by the legendary management consultant, Peter Drucker. He said, the best way to predict the future is to create it. And this insight perfectly echoes Nadia Habib's approach as she shapes the future of real estate through building new leaders as she grows.

Nadia's journey through the realms of leadership and growth in real estate showcases that true success is not just about reaching the top, but about lifting others as you climb. And her dedication to fostering growth and strategic vision, exemplify how we can all push the boundaries of what's possible in our personal and professional lives.

If Nadia Astoria has sparked a new thought or inspiration in your heart, and you're looking for innovative ways to expand your own horizons. While enriching your own community, I encourage you to connect with Nadia and explore the strategies that she has mastered in her impressive career Thank you for joining us on the reveal podcast your enthusiasm and participation Are what make our community so special?

And if you found today's episode enlightening, please pass it along to someone in your circle. And I'm Jessica Nieto. I'm super excited about this incredible journey that we're on. And I want you to keep reaching and growing and remember that every day presents a new opportunity to inspire growth, not just in our careers, but in our lives.

So until next time, stay inspired, stay connected. We'll see ya.